Environmental and Water Rejuvenation activity
Environmental and Water Rejuvenation Activity
We, Social Umbrella Foundation (NGO) , have been working on community strengthening and environmental awareness campaigns since 2017. Many awareness camps and cleanliness drives were organised in colonies and slums pan India by our team.
Social Umbrella Foundation was born to strengthen green initiative and the voluntary sector’s efforts in development. Its major objective is not only to contribute as a charity but also to aim at provision of a better environment for the future generations. It has been working with various communities with such objectives and holding them to achieve their ultimate social goals.
Social Umbrella Foundation has a large and committed team of experts with field experience in Arborology, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Health, Education, Legal awareness,Project Designing and strategy development in the social development sector.
We are a facilitating partner of WIN FLUENTIAL TECHNOLOGY ( ISO 14001:2015) working on Restoration and Rejuvenation of water bodies PAN India.
About WinFluential Technology :
WIN FLUENTIAL TECHNOLOGY is operating all across the country for the environmental & Ecological Restoration & Rejuvenation domain.